Benchmark Testing Dates
Our 4th Grade students have been participating in the Mock STAAR for Writing this past week and both 3rd and 4th Grade students will continue with Math and Reading next week. Our teachers and staff are doing a great job monitoring students in the hallways, the cafeteria, and of course the classrooms on these testing days. Just a reminder the following dates are testing dates for next week:
Curriculum Visit
Judy Caskey and Julia Robinson had wonderful things to say about our teachers last week during their visit. Your team leader has a copy of the reports being completed by Judy Caskey if you would like to see one. These report are being submitted to TEA each week... we are doing a great job with our students. Please continue doing the excellent work you do each day.
Valentine's Day Parties
Our times for the valentine's day parties will be as follows:
On February 17, we will have a staff development day to go over a lot of information from the benchmark assessments. Half the day will be spent with district/campus safety and security information while the other half will be on data driven decisions for our students. More information will be coming.
Edcamp Awesome
Please save the date for #edcampawesome on February 22nd at Royse City HS. This will be a great event and professional development opportunity for anyone. Here is a short video description about edcamps in general, and I also made a video about edcamps on my blog. Be sure to visit the Edcamp Awesome wiki for more information.
Building Relationships with Students
I normally don't like to end with a troubling message, but I feel this is important for you all to see. Mr. Worthy shared this video with all the campus principals today about an alleged bullying issue caught on a school bus video camera.
Mr. Worthy reminds us that even though it happened in another school district, this could happen in Royse City too. This video is difficult to watch but I hope it can serve as a great reminder to continue developing strong relationships with ALL students and their parents EVERYDAY!!
Dates to Remember
Our 4th Grade students have been participating in the Mock STAAR for Writing this past week and both 3rd and 4th Grade students will continue with Math and Reading next week. Our teachers and staff are doing a great job monitoring students in the hallways, the cafeteria, and of course the classrooms on these testing days. Just a reminder the following dates are testing dates for next week:
- 3rd & 4th Grades Math - Monday, February 3
- 3rd & 4th Grades Reading - Tuesday, February 4
Our campus will be closed to outside visitors during this time. We will be using these test scores to help focus your classroom instruction for the rest of year. Please be sure to let parents know the dates for the testing.
Curriculum Visit
Judy Caskey and Julia Robinson had wonderful things to say about our teachers last week during their visit. Your team leader has a copy of the reports being completed by Judy Caskey if you would like to see one. These report are being submitted to TEA each week... we are doing a great job with our students. Please continue doing the excellent work you do each day.
Valentine's Day Parties
Our times for the valentine's day parties will be as follows:
- Kindergarten & 1st Grade - 1:30-2:00
- 2nd & 3rd Grades - 2:00-2:30
On February 17, we will have a staff development day to go over a lot of information from the benchmark assessments. Half the day will be spent with district/campus safety and security information while the other half will be on data driven decisions for our students. More information will be coming.
Edcamp Awesome
Please save the date for #edcampawesome on February 22nd at Royse City HS. This will be a great event and professional development opportunity for anyone. Here is a short video description about edcamps in general, and I also made a video about edcamps on my blog. Be sure to visit the Edcamp Awesome wiki for more information.
Building Relationships with Students
I normally don't like to end with a troubling message, but I feel this is important for you all to see. Mr. Worthy shared this video with all the campus principals today about an alleged bullying issue caught on a school bus video camera.
Mr. Worthy reminds us that even though it happened in another school district, this could happen in Royse City too. This video is difficult to watch but I hope it can serve as a great reminder to continue developing strong relationships with ALL students and their parents EVERYDAY!!
- February 3 - 3rd & 4th Grades Math Benchmark
- February 4 - 3rd & 4th Grades Reading Benchmark
- February 5-7 - TCEA
- February 10 - Monthly Staff Meeting
- February 12 - Children's Opera is coming to Scott Elementary
- February 13 - Chick-fil-a Spirit Night
- February 17 - Staff Development Day (No Classes)
- February 20 - All Pro Dads
- February 20 - Bedtime Stories @ 6:30pm
- February 22 - Edcamp Awesome

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