Oops...I didn't talk about in the video was about Summer School. Angela Morales will be the principal of Summer School again this year. The dates for this session are linked in the Show Notes. Please let her know if you are interested in teaching Summer School again.
Also Julia is planning to have a group of teacher meet during the summer to revise the unit assessments. Participants will receive a stipend during the summer. Please let me know if you are interested.
Show Notes
- Flashlight Friday Newspaper Article
- Texas High Performance School Consortium
- Google Apps for Education
- Curriculum Website
- Bad Weather Makeup Days - April 18th & June 6th - Communicate with parents
- Summer Test Revision dates
- Week of June 9-13 (ELAR, Science, SS)
- Week July 14 or July 28-29 (Math - New TEKS)
- Summer School Dates (Draft)
Dates to Remember
- March 24 - STAAR Training
- April 1 & 2 - STAAR Writing Grade 4 (No Visitors - Communicate with parents)
- April 14 - Staff Meeting @ 3:30pm
- April 15 - PTO Kindergarten Program
- April 17 - All Pro Dads
- April 18 - Yes... we have school!
- April 22 - STAAR Math Grades 3 & 4 (No Visitors - Communicate with parents)
- April 23 - STAAR Reading Grades 3 & 4 (No Visitors - Communicate with parents)
- May 2 - Staff Appreication, High School @ 10:00am
- July 30-31 - PLC Institute in Royse City ISD

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