Compliance Staff Development

I can NEVER remember the list of compliance training video the district would like us to complete over the summer. Also, I can NEVER locate the original email Mr. Jeff Webb sends us when I need it.

With that in mind, I've decided to post the compliance staff development requirements here on the blog (just in case). Below it the email message Mr. Jeff Webb send us earlier today:

That time of year again. On the bright side if I’m sending this out, it must be close to the end of school!!

Courses Required by the beginning of school to receive credit for the flex day:

Login using your school email address and whatever password you’ve chosen.

If you do not have a Reg X account, you’ll need to create one using your school email address

These will fulfill the requirement for one flex day.

As always, print out a copy and turn into supervisor or administrator.

**** Updated 5.29.2014 ****
You may complete the online course any time after the last day of school. Any courses cannot be accepted if they are completed on an duty day otherwise it is considered "double dipping".

Here's the original link to the Region 10 website for the Compliance Training. Be sure to save & print a copy for our records and give it to Martha. 
