Below is the challenge for week 5 of the Summer Learning Series (#SummerLS). This was emailed to me on Friday, but I wanted you focus on your families this weekend... hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Welcome to Week 5 of our Summer Learning Series! I wanted to address a few common questions before we get into this week’s challenge.
- It’s ok if you’re behind on some of the challenges! Catch up as you can!
- YES, anyone can fill out the Google Forms - If you need to see the other challenges, scroll under this email. Every time I email out I include past challenges.
We are now up to over 1,500 people taking part in the Summer Learning Series. It’s been really amazing to see the conversations and tweets happening over on the #SummerLS hashtag!
This week’s challenge is a fairly easy one.
One great way to continue learning is by listening to Podcasts. I drive 30 miles one way every day to work and to make it go faster I listen while I drive!
So your challenge this week is to listen to three episodes of a podcast and tweet about each one as you listen to them!
Listed below are some of my favorite podcasts!
EduAllStars- I have to of course mention this podcast specially. This is a podcast that I co-started and still cohost. We interview people in education who inspire us. My co-hosts Chris Kesler and Keegan Waid are amazing. We’ve interviewed Olympic Gold Medalists, 15 year old inventors, company start ups, Principals, Teachers, Librarians, Instructional Coaches, Superintendents, and even the US Secretary of Education. We air an interview a week and plan on our next one being this Sunday at 8pm CST. You can watch them live by checking out or you can listen to/watch any of the recordings! We interview someone different each week and you can get updates by following @EduAllStarsHQ on twitter.
Here are some other great podcasts
The 2 Guys Show
Instructional Tech Talk
Every Classroom Matters
So spend some time this week learning through audio and video from others! Did I not include a podcast you love? Tweet out your favorite!
And after you listen to 3 episodes fill out this Google Form.
I personally started learning about educational technology through podcasts. It started when I attended a workshop about using iTunes in the classroom with students (this was being YouTube was unblocked in my district). I was amazing by all the educational videos I could use with students. Beyond that, I discovered podcasts created by teachers FOR teachers. This is were I learned about Twitter and began creating my Profession Learning Network (PLN).
This is so far my favorite way to learn and grow professionally! There's something about hearing a teacher describe their classroom instead of reading a blog or tweet. It's real, authentic, and loads of fun. I don't have a 30 minute commute to work anymore, but I do listen to them while working on other things.

- It’s ok if you’re behind on some of the challenges! Catch up as you can!
- YES, anyone can fill out the Google Forms - If you need to see the other challenges, scroll under this email. Every time I email out I include past challenges.
We are now up to over 1,500 people taking part in the Summer Learning Series. It’s been really amazing to see the conversations and tweets happening over on the #SummerLS hashtag!
This week’s challenge is a fairly easy one.
One great way to continue learning is by listening to Podcasts. I drive 30 miles one way every day to work and to make it go faster I listen while I drive!
So your challenge this week is to listen to three episodes of a podcast and tweet about each one as you listen to them!
Listed below are some of my favorite podcasts!
EduAllStars- I have to of course mention this podcast specially. This is a podcast that I co-started and still cohost. We interview people in education who inspire us. My co-hosts Chris Kesler and Keegan Waid are amazing. We’ve interviewed Olympic Gold Medalists, 15 year old inventors, company start ups, Principals, Teachers, Librarians, Instructional Coaches, Superintendents, and even the US Secretary of Education. We air an interview a week and plan on our next one being this Sunday at 8pm CST. You can watch them live by checking out or you can listen to/watch any of the recordings! We interview someone different each week and you can get updates by following @EduAllStarsHQ on twitter.
Here are some other great podcasts
The 2 Guys Show
Instructional Tech Talk
Every Classroom Matters
So spend some time this week learning through audio and video from others! Did I not include a podcast you love? Tweet out your favorite!
And after you listen to 3 episodes fill out this Google Form.
I personally started learning about educational technology through podcasts. It started when I attended a workshop about using iTunes in the classroom with students (this was being YouTube was unblocked in my district). I was amazing by all the educational videos I could use with students. Beyond that, I discovered podcasts created by teachers FOR teachers. This is were I learned about Twitter and began creating my Profession Learning Network (PLN).
This is so far my favorite way to learn and grow professionally! There's something about hearing a teacher describe their classroom instead of reading a blog or tweet. It's real, authentic, and loads of fun. I don't have a 30 minute commute to work anymore, but I do listen to them while working on other things.
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