Here's the next challenge...Enjoy!!
Wow, can you believe we’re already on Week 6 of our Summer Learning Series? Time has just flown by!

I am absolutely loving watching the #SummerLS Hashtag and seeing the great learning and connecting that is taking place!
This week is another two-parter!
Part 1:
Every week you’ve heard me talk about filling out a Google Form after you were done completing a challenge. Well my good friend Chris Kesler has created an AMAZING video teaching you all about Google Forms and some great things you can do with them. So your first challenge is to watch Chris’s video, tweet to him one thing you learned, create your own Google Form, and then fill out the Google Form below.
This week is another two-parter!
Part 1:
Every week you’ve heard me talk about filling out a Google Form after you were done completing a challenge. Well my good friend Chris Kesler has created an AMAZING video teaching you all about Google Forms and some great things you can do with them. So your first challenge is to watch Chris’s video, tweet to him one thing you learned, create your own Google Form, and then fill out the Google Form below.
Chris’s Video
Part 2:
Jessica Allen is one of the smartest people I know! We actually interviewed her on this week’s episode of EduAllStars, which you can watch HERE. But Jessica has done a lot of work with Makerspaces. So your challenge for part two is to visit Jessica’s blog and learn all about this INCREDIBLE idea! Go HERE to see Jessica’s challenge (and make sure you tweet her about what you’re learning)
When you’ve completed Jessica’s challenge fill out this quick Google Form HERE.
So there you go! There’s your challenge for this week! Happy Learning #SummerLS crew! (and all previous challenges are listed below :))
Part 2:
Jessica Allen is one of the smartest people I know! We actually interviewed her on this week’s episode of EduAllStars, which you can watch HERE. But Jessica has done a lot of work with Makerspaces. So your challenge for part two is to visit Jessica’s blog and learn all about this INCREDIBLE idea! Go HERE to see Jessica’s challenge (and make sure you tweet her about what you’re learning)
When you’ve completed Jessica’s challenge fill out this quick Google Form HERE.
So there you go! There’s your challenge for this week! Happy Learning #SummerLS crew! (and all previous challenges are listed below :))
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