Monday - Santa's Workshop All Week!!
- 8:30am-12:30pm - Worley to PBMAS/System Safeguards Training @ Admin
- 3:30pm - Staff Meeting (next one schedule Monday, January 12)
- 7:00pm - School Board Meeting
Tuesday - GT 1st & 2nd Grade Field Trip
All Day - Writing Coaches on Campus (Meet in Front Conference Room)- 9:30am-12:30pm - Bright to Asst. Principal Meeting
Wednesday - PLCs & Dress Like an Elf Day & Kristen Weichel on Campus
- 3:30pm - STAT Meeting
- 6:00pm - Kindergarten Gingerbread Night
- 7:50 - ARD (Jacobs, Worley, 4th Grade Teachers)
- 8:00 - Finch to Technology Integration Mtg @ Admin
- 9:30 - Office Staff Appreciation Breakfast @ Admin
- 1:30pm-3:00pm - Roberts to Dyslexia Meeting @ Admin
- 7:00pm - Honor Choir Christmas Program
Friday - Canned Food Drive ENDS
- 8:00am - Jacobs & Green to Bilingual Classroom Instruction Framework @ Admin

Also, for those of you interested, PD hours will be offered for this incredible day of learning.
Seriously, go register!
All staff members please make arrangements to attend this meeting. Kenny Kaye Hudson will be sharing some additional information about the Texas Accountability & Interventions System (TAIS) process. We'll also examine the strategies we must focus on this next quarter as a campus. Also, be sure to watch the Homework Assignment Video Kenny Kaye shared with us about implementing and monitoring school improvement plans. Here's is the link from the website.
Safety & Security
Please ensure you are not using rocks to keep our exterior doors open during recess times. This presents a serious security risk to all our staff and students.
Reading Instruction
Guided Reading books have been organized in the 4th Grade pod by reading level. Teachers will develop groups based on student's instructional reading level. Reading groups will meet daily. Lower level readers will meet every day while higher level readers will meet at least 2x per week.
Accelerated Reader (AR) Update - Students should be at 50% of their goal by this Friday. If you notice someone who really needs help, please let me know. We will continue to monitor and encourage students to make weekly targets and a comprehension score of at least 80%. Nita Green is meeting with our targeted 3rd and 4th grade student to ensure they have a book on their reading level each day.
Students should be asked to take home a book every night and read for 20 minutes. Be sure to communicate with parents about their child's AR point goal and their progress toward reaching that goal. Jamie Garcia has developed a document that could be easily used by classroom teachers to update parents each week. It will be coming to you this week.
1st & 2nd Grade - Lone Star Daily Rigor is being used with students each week.
3rd & 4th Grade - Math GPS is being used to help students weekly. Teachers should be on week 21-25 this week. We must maintain this pace in order to finished by testing time.
Think Through Math (TTM) for Grade 3-4 - Teachers please ensure that all students have been assessed for TTM. Letters have been sent home during the first report card to parents. Remember that there's an app for TTM and it can be used on the iPad.
Professional Development
Remember Valerie James is available for demonstration lessons so be sure to ask her to visit your classroom for additional support as needed. Each week, you're working with Valerie to determine words students must know to be successful. These words are colored by strand and should be posted on the word wall. Be sure to review them frequently with your students. Dr. Bright and I will be looking for these during our classroom observations and walkthroughs.
Kristen Weichel is working with ELAR teachers in 3rd & 4th Grades. She studies the unit IFDs and Assessments to bring materials and ideas for teachers to use during ELAR instructional time. She will also provide support for Guided Reading and is available to conduct demonstration lessons.
Grades should be recorded weekly in the gradebook to afford parents and students the opportunity to view through the parent portal.
Student Voice (#StuVoice) - How are you incorporating student voice in classroom instruction?
Hour of Code December 8-14
Join the largest learning event in history December 8-14 as millions of students and adults in more than 180 countries take part in a one-hour introduction to computer science. The Hour of Code, designed to demystify code and show that anyone can learn the basics, can be done any time during the week and includes resources for teachers to use with students in grades K-12.
Want to see some of the amazing resources available?
- For younger students, help Anna and Elsa (from Frozen) discover the beauty of ice as they create snowflakes and patterns with code.
- Middle school students can learn to code with Angry Birds.
- Learn the basics of JavaScript programming with these fun drawing activities for secondary students.
- These tutorials help you code on phones or tablets.
- Don't have access to technology? Try these"unplugged" computer science activities.
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