Highlights from the #RLChat

There were over 500 tweets yesterday from educators in our area & others from the Community Schools Transformational Alliance (CSTA). The CSTA includes districts like Community ISD, Sunnyvale ISD, Commerce ISD, and more. If you've never participated in a Twitter Chat... here's the way it goes.

#1 - There's questions about topic for each person to write a response.
#2 - The questions are labeled and organized like so for each Tweet... Q1, Q2, Q3
#3 - The answers to each question are also labeled and organized likewise... A1, A2, A3
#4 - Each participant must include the hashtag in their answers so their tweets show up in the feed... #RLChat

If you didn't get a chance getting onto Twitter yesterday for the Revolutionizing Learning #RLChat - I created a Storify to help you see the great discussion from yesterday. Perhaps you'll learn a few things about the value of being a "connected educator". (Here's the link to the original Storify post)

Save the date for next Thursday @ 8:00pm CST and participate in the next Twitter chat with #RLChat!
