ENews 09.25.2015

Weekly Schedule

  • PLC Meetings Today w/ Christiana Finch
  • 3:30pm - STAAR4ward Meeting (Grades 3 & 4)
  • 9:30am - Asst Principal Mtg @ Administration Building
  • 2:00pm - STAAR4ward Webinar #3
  • Judy Caskey on campus (AM only)
  • 3:15pm - STAT Meeting
  • 3:30pm - New Teacher Meeting
  • ELAR Curriculum Mtg w/ Kristen Weichel
  • School Day Pictures Re-Takes
  • First Steps Training 
Friday - NO SCHOOL (See you NEXT Tuesday - Enjoy the break!)

Important Reminders

T-TESS Update - We're still working on scheduling your Goal Setting Conferences. Be sure you've completed the worksheet and have contacted your appraiser by now.

Student Attendance taken @ 9:30am

Moving PLC Day to Mondays

Digital Fluency Academy Application - Click this link for the application

Other Important Documents:

NEW Information

Congratulations to our Teacher of the Month

Bethany Bunnell,
 2nd Grade Teacher

Staff Meeting Next Monday, September 28th (Grades 3/4 ONLY)
The focus on this meeting will be on STAAR4ward information. The meeting will be for Grades 3 & 4 and include the Interventionists. K-2 & Specials teachers, I will be getting you guys at another time. Be sure to have a 3-ringed binder for this meeting ... your curriculum binder will do nicely.

Campus Handbook
I placed a copy of the campus handbook is several mailboxes this week. Be sure to sign the "Acknowledgement of Receipt" and return to back to me ASAP.

Teacher Lesson Plans
Be sure to upload your lessons into Google Drive in the folder I shared with you at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, please let me know so I can help you. Also, please make sure your file names include the date for lesson plans so that we can easily read them and locate the correct plans for the week.

Attendance @ Scott Elementary
On Monday our Campus Improvement Team met at the administration building and spent the day creating 3 targeted goals for our campus this year. The goals for focused on student attendance, reading instruction & writing instruction.

We're currently working on some procedures for attendance which include student incentives (details coming soon). We also need to post our attendance rates regularly so teachers, students, and parents can all work together to improve score.

Be sure you are accurately recording student attendance in the gradebook and in a timely manner. Also, please contact parents about student who are absent. Explain they were missed in school and hope they will return soon. Please let the office know how we can support you all and keeping our attendance rate high.

iStation Results

I am so proud of the iStation results for our Beginning of the Year data. Our groups are looking very good across the board this year! Last year our data for each Tier has equal numbers in each group, but now it's very appropriate. Great work team!!

Thank you Mrs. McElroy, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Garcia, and Mrs. Gowen for helping all our students log into iStation and complete their testing.

Goal Setting Conferences
I've been having a lot of great conversations with teachers about their goals for this school year. Please don't hesitate to ask Dr. Bright or myself if you have any questions or need help with getting your goals completed. Remember to link your goals back to the T-TESS rubric and that we're working to create student-centered classrooms. Here's one resource that could help you determine how student-centered is your classroom.

WHY we teach (#kidsdeserveit | #YouMatter | #TeamKid)
Last week I challenged you with reading this blog post titled: Why Are You Still Not on Twitter?  (yep... I still love that title!) and ask you to print the poster from the website and write one statement how using social media can/has impacted your practice as a teacher. I have a few smarties TWEET their responses to the challenge too:

I've got to love that out-of-the-box thinking! Go Scott Teachers!!

This time we need to focus on the WHY we teach. We all know WHAT our jobs are as we teach kids... we even know HOW we do it... looking at the TEKS, selecting appropriate materials, deliver instruction, monitor & adjust, provide feedback, assess knowledge and skills, etc. But let's not start with the WHAT we do but instead with the WHY we teach.

WHY do you come to work each day? WHY do we design lessons to challenge kids daily? WHY do we talk to those hard to reach parents about their kids progress? WHY?

Focusing on the WHY helps to change the way we see our positions. This isn't simply a job... but a calling. Our kids must know they deserve it, that they matter, and that we cheering for them daily. These ideas are NOT simply fun little hashtags we use in social media ... but instead it's constant reminder of WHY we're here.

When I use one of these hashtags to share pictures or messages of students learning, teachers teaching, parents supporting our campus... my message joins a huge collection of similar messages from other educators. It reminds me of the privilege I have in working with kids and teachers.

So my challenge for you this week is to get onto Twitter/Facebook/Instagram. Look the hashtags #kidsdeserveit or #YouMatter or #TeamKid & to add your own message to this collection! Educators are powerful, creative, passionate people and I love seeing the work they do with kids daily. They share their passions for our practice and experiences online. Each time I see a teacher get excited about their work... I get excited too! So I challenge you to add your voice to messages being shared about our practice.

Take a picture... write a message... share a special moment with a kid or group of kids and use one of these hashtags in that posting! Share it with me too because I love to brag about Scott teachers!
