ENews 09.25.2016

Weekly Schedule

  • PLCs in the Conference Room
  • 9:00am - Lancaster at Asst Principal Meeting @ Royse City Middle School
  • 5:00-7:30pm - Chickfila Spirit Night
Thursday - North Texas Giving Day
  • 1st Grading Period Ends
  • PTO Membership Drive ENDS
  • 9:00am - ARD (Jacobs Martin, Finch)
  • 10:00am - Speech ARD (Lancaster, Reavis, Soto)
  • 1:45pm - Speech ARD (Lancaster, Reavis, Richardson/Martinez)
  • 6:30pm - DI Parent Night
  • Instructional Planning Day w/ Julia Robinson

    Important Reminders

    TTESS Goal Setting Conferences
    Please take note of the dates/times you are scheduled for your Goal Setting Conferences. ACTION ITEM REQUIRED - Complete the "RCISD T-TESS Teacher Self-Assessment and Goal Setting" at least one (1) day  before your Goal Setting Conference with your appraiser. This gives us time to review your goals and helps the conference to run more smoothly. See the link below for the schedule:

    NEW Information

    North Texas Giving Day | Education Foundation
    Thank you to everyone that helped promote and contributed to the Education Foundation on North Texas Giving Day. We had a great showing of support and were the #1 campus for the day (I love seeing Scott being #1). It's because of your support that we were able to give so much support for the Ed Foundation. It's still NOT too late to contribute and participate. They are still accepting donations through October 30th. We have forms & envelops in the office if you wish to participate.

    A special shout out to Martha Edwards for counting money & organizing all the student and staff contributions for that day. You're our Super Hero!

    Instructional Planning Day | Kagan Cooperative Learning
    The district will providing training of Kagan Instructional Strategies (@KaganOnline). This is an amazing organization with some great tools for all teachers to use in the classroom. We'll be meeting at Miss May Vernon on Friday morning ... I would highly suggest CARPOOLING with another Scott Elementary staff member (parking will be limited).

    The focus will be on Cooperative Learning Strategies - were teamwork and working in pairs will help create a greater level of student engagement. Kagan specializes in engaging all learning including the reluctant ones. You can learn more about the Kagan Workshops with this LINK.

    504 Coordinators will be having an legal update in the Admin Training Room with Kenny Kaye Hudson. Also, BAU will be working with Dorcas Schale with updates also in the ALC Training Room (PM Only).

    1st Grading Period ENDS | Report Cards
    As this first grading period is coming to a close, be sure you're following the RCISD Grading Policy. Lori Dreiling will be sending out information about submitting grades for this 1st report card soon.

    If you have any students with failing grades for this 1st Six Weeks, you and I will be meeting to discuss interventions and supports for those students (RtI, Tutoring, homework for additional practice, etc). Also, you MUST conduct a parent conference with each of these students ASAP before the scheduled P/T conference day on October 31 - we need parents to be aboard with supporting the students sooner rather than later.

    RtI Groups & MAPs Testing
    Now that MAPs testing is over, I know many grade level teams have started to create intervention groups for RtI. If you need help with that process, please let Brittany Lancaster or myself know and we'll come help you through this process. We'll be checking in with you from time to time to help support you all with RtI.

    Also, we have several teachers attending training for MAP Reports next Thursday & Friday, so someone on your team will know how to use the report to BEST plan for intervention.

    Fair Day (@StateFairOfTX)
    Next Monday, October 3 is Fair Day - No School. Please communicate with parents.

    Kona Ice is Returning (@KONAICE)
    We'll be having Kona Ice back on campus on Wednesday, Oct 5th. Please communicate with parents.
