Weekly Schedule
- Special Program Trainings (8:00am-3:30pm)
- Dyslexia @ Herndon Room C223
- ESL @ RCHS Room C52
- Counselor/Asst Principal @ Admin Board Room
- Sped Teachers & Paras @ Admin Training Room & Innovation Lab
- 8:00-8:30 Breakfast (provided on campus)
- 8:30-11:30 Student Learner Profile & Campus Goals
- 11:30-1:00 Lunch (on your own)
- 1:00-3:00 TTESS/SLO Goals (Laptops Needed)
- District Curriculum Training Spreadsheet (click this link for locations & content) - Paras go with assigned teacher
- PE Teachers - Report to Miss May Vernon and meet in the Gym. The American Red Cross will be there.
- GT, Music, Art - Report to Scott Elementary and meet in Jennifer Chaney's room. Learning about Project Based Learning (PBL).
- Title I - Report to Scott Elementary with Apryl McElroy
- 8:00-8:30 Pancake Breakfast
- 8:30-11:00 Specials Round Table & TTESS/SLO Workshop
- 11:00-12:30 Lunch (on your own)
- 12:30-1:30 "I Love You Guys" Safety Training with Mr. Blaine
- 1:30-3:30 PLCs
- 8:00a-12:00p District Convocation
- 12:00p-5:00p Teacher Workday (get ready for those visitors)
- 5:00p-6:30p Meet the Teacher
- ALL DAY - Teacher Workday
All Staff will be reporting back to the campus on Thursday, August 9th. Click the link below for our schedule for those days:
Staff Development Schedule 2018
TTESS Refresher (Teachers/Librarian)
If you've been evaluated on TTESS previously, this course is simply a one (1) hour refresher. Those of you that are NEW Teachers and haven't received the TTESS training will have a different course to complete your training. This is for returning teachers ONLY. This was the message I shared with ALL TTESS Staff Members before the break:
Hi Teachers,
We’ve purchased a district subscription to the T-TESS Prep Teacher Refresher. Please complete the self-registration process below, and look for additional instructions regarding course requirements and deadlines.
Step 1: Click this link to go to the registration page:
Step 2: Copy and paste this registration code in the appropriate field, and enter your email address.
Step 3: Click Submit.
A few minutes after completing your registration, you will receive an email with your username and password.
Be sure to sign-up for our group staff remind account... these are text message reminders from the Principal where you can get quick updates to our schedule, basic school information, bad weather announcements, or Jean Days.
To join via text message, 1) enter this number: 81010 and 2) text this number: @scottst
Google Classroom
We will be using Google Classroom to share basic information and documents that you will need throughout the school year.
Please JOIN our Scott Elementary Staff Classroom:

If you've been evaluated on TTESS previously, this course is simply a one (1) hour refresher. Those of you that are NEW Teachers and haven't received the TTESS training will have a different course to complete your training. This is for returning teachers ONLY. This was the message I shared with ALL TTESS Staff Members before the break:
Hi Teachers,
We’ve purchased a district subscription to the T-TESS Prep Teacher Refresher. Please complete the self-registration process below, and look for additional instructions regarding course requirements and deadlines.
Step 1: Click this link to go to the registration page:
Step 2: Copy and paste this registration code in the appropriate field, and enter your email address.
Step 3: Click Submit.
A few minutes after completing your registration, you will receive an email with your username and password.
Be sure to sign-up for our group staff remind account... these are text message reminders from the Principal where you can get quick updates to our schedule, basic school information, bad weather announcements, or Jean Days.
To join via text message, 1) enter this number: 81010 and 2) text this number: @scottst
Google Classroom
We will be using Google Classroom to share basic information and documents that you will need throughout the school year.
Please JOIN our Scott Elementary Staff Classroom:
- Visit the Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/
- Use the classroom code to join the group: jiawkuj
New Information
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