- MAPs Testing
- MAPs Testing
- Debbie Jarzombek Visit
- 9:00a - Jacobs to Principal Meeting @ Central Office
- 1:00p - Atkins to Discovery Education Meeting @ Central Office
- MAPs Testing
- PLCs
- 9:00a - Speech ARD (Jacobs, Reavis, Garcia, Hudson)
- 10:00a - Speech ARD (Jacobs, Reavis, Garcia, Richie)
- 3:30p - STAT Meeting (Grades 3-4)
- MAPs Testing
- 8:00a - Fire Drill
- 9:00a - Transfer ARD (Jacobs, Stirm, Finch, Martinez)
- 9:00a - 504 Meeting (Aktins, Powley, Garcia, Martinez)
- 9:15a - 504 Meeting (Atkins, Powley, Garcia, Bobbitt)
- 9:30a - 504 Meeting (Atkins, Powley, Garcia, Arnold)
- 10:00a - ARD (Jacobs, Stirm, Alexander, Reavis,
- 10:00a - 504 Meeting (Atkins, Powley, Richie)
- 1:45p - ARD (Atkins, Stirm, Nienstedt, Land)
- 2:45p - ARD (Atkins, Stirm, Reavis, Cook, Johnson)
Friday - 1st Day of Autumn
- MAPs Testing
MAPs Testing Information
This week we will be starting MAPs Testing in your homeroom classes. This year we're planning to use the Chromebooks to get testing completed and you will need to share devices between classes. We will also be borrowing Chromebooks from other grade levels to complete testing too. It will be important to label each one of your devices (NOT just your tub) for us to do testing.
The MAP Testing Procedures from the school district - which includes great information for you to review before giving the test:
- Creating Test Sessions
- What to Do Prior to a Test Session
- What to Do During a Test Session
- MAP Reports
- Accessibility Features (for Instructional Supports & Accommodations)
Procedures & Routines
Please continue to teach/train your student the expectations for your ALL common areas and your classroom (Hallways, Lunchroom, Recess). Be sure you're actively monitoring students at recess times. And remember that PAWS Tickets are for students that are doing all the procedures and expectations in our common areas.
Capturing Kids Hearts Update
I notice 100% of staff members greeting students as they entered the classroom during this last week... excellent work! Remember to post your "Do Now" in your classroom as students walk into the classroom.
I notice 100% of staff members greeting students as they entered the classroom during this last week... excellent work! Remember to post your "Do Now" in your classroom as students walk into the classroom.
Curriculum Dates with Valerie James & Kristen Weichel
Save the dates for the following:
Math - Sept 11, Oct 23, Nov 27
ELAR - Sept 27 (Updated), Oct 30, Dec 4
New Information
Fire Drill this Week
Just remember, do NOT leave you room until you hear the message from Powley that says, "This is a fire drill, please follow your drill procedures." Also, make sure to take your radios out so you can clear your teams via the radio.
Education Galaxy
If you're new to Education Galaxy or you're ready to dive deeper into all it has to offer, then you'll want to attend a WOW Wednesday training on September 26th from 3:30 - 5:00 in the Training Room at the administration building. Be sure to bring your laptop!
Just remember, do NOT leave you room until you hear the message from Powley that says, "This is a fire drill, please follow your drill procedures." Also, make sure to take your radios out so you can clear your teams via the radio.
Education Galaxy
If you're new to Education Galaxy or you're ready to dive deeper into all it has to offer, then you'll want to attend a WOW Wednesday training on September 26th from 3:30 - 5:00 in the Training Room at the administration building. Be sure to bring your laptop!
The trainer will cover the basic Education Galaxy program, which is great for Tier 1 instruction for Math and Reading/Writing (and Science and Social Studies for some grades.) You'll also be able to learn about Lift-Off, a supplemental part of the program that can be used for Tier 2 and 3 intervention for students.
If you plan on attending the Education Galaxy training, click on the link below to register:

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