ENews 01.03.2016

Weekly Schedule

  • PLC Meetings
  • 2:45pm - Student Council Meeting @ Art Room
  • 6:30pm - PTO Board Meeting @ Library
  • Happy Tuesday!
  • 3:30pm - STAT Meeting
  • 5:00pm - Chickfila Spirit Night w/ 4th Grade Team
  • ELAR Curriculum Meeting w/ Kristen Weichel 
  • 9:00am - Jacobs to Facility Meeting @ Central Admin

    Important Reminders

    Teacher Lesson Plans - Upload your lessons into Google Drive & make sure your file names include the date for lesson plans.

    Staff Meeting - Monday, January 11th

    Other Important Documents:

    NEW Information

    TEMI Testing
    Kindergarten, 1st Grade & 2nd Grade will be conducting testing for the middle of the school year next week. I'm looking forward to these results... I know you've been working very hard with these students.
    Kindergarten - Monday, January 11th
    1st Grade - Wednesday, January 13rd
    2nd Grade - Tuesday, January 12th

    iStation Testing
    Once again it's time for iStation testing for Reading/Math. Here's a reminder from Mrs. McElroy: "Hope everyone had a relaxing break! Please remember as you put students on istation this week, they will be taking the test for January. Please encourage them or give them incentives. Our campus has been doing fantastic on istation scores this year and i would love for us to be the top scoring campus this year on istation! Thank you for all you do!"
    I would like to echo the affirmation about the iStation data. Scott Elementary has had excellent ... I dare say TOP scores for the district and it's because of the attention you guys are pulling into it. Thanks for making this a priority for student achievement.

    GT Testing 

    Just a reminder about GT testing - If you would like to request for a student to be tested for the GT program, please visit with Mrs. Chaney. Testing began in December and goes through January. Be sure to visit with her about specific students if you have any questions.

    Early Release Next Thursday
    Thursday, January 14th @ 12:00pm - We'll have another early release day. Please be sure to communicate this date with parents via your newsletters, social media, and remind accounts. We're planning to stay on campus for the afternoon and work in grade level teams. I will have some specific expectations for each group by next week.

    Student tutoring will begin again by the end of this month. Specific dates will be share later this week. Just a reminder... we have a tutoring budget that we must spend. I need teachers to tutor on both Tuesdays & Thursdays - please plan to attend both days.

    I trust ya'll have enjoyed your vacation... but it's time to get back into the swing of things. I can't wait to see our kids again and hear about your Christmas break. Have a wonderful week!
