ENews 04.24.2016

Weekly Schedule

  • Bright, Powley, McElroy to Title I Training
  • 3:30pm - Teacher of the Year Celebration
  • Bright, Powley, McElroy to Title I Training
  • 3:15pm - Tutoring
  • Administrative Professionals Day
  • Jacobs to DBU Job Fair
  • 8:00am - ARD (Bright, Worley, 4th Grade)
  • 3:30pm - STAT Meeting
  • iACT Curriculum Visit - Kristen Weichel & Valerie James visiting classrooms
  • 3:15pm - Tutoring
  • Happy Friday

    Important Reminders

    Summer School
    The dates for Summer School has been determined by the district. They are looking for teaching staff members and asking for student names. Please send Dr. Bright the names of the students you're planning to recommend for summer school. The criteria for summer school on the link below:
    Please contact parents on the students you're wanting to attend summer school and document on the Journal tab in Aware.

    Student Retention
    By the end of this month, you'll need to have student names submitted to Mr. Jacobs for possible retention. These students should have been in STAT/RtI process all year.

    District Calendar for Next School Year
    See this link for the NEW District Calendar for 2016-2017

    Revolutionizing Learning Conference (#RLChat)
    Save the dates for this conference which will be hosted at Royse City High School again this summer. The dates are now July 27th & 28th! More information will be shared has it becomes available.

    NEW Information

    Davis Rezoning Open House
    I know that I sent an email last week about this... but I want to again express my appreciation for all the work you all did in welcoming the families coming in from Davis Elementary. Mr. Worthy and Kenny Kaye Hudson were thrilled to how the Scott Family has been so positive and warm to these families... Thanks again for all you do.

    Here are just a few of the pictures I have from that evening:

    PTO Board Meeting
    The next board meeting is schedule for Monday, May 2nd @ 6:30pm in the library. Team Leaders, please send me names of the individuals that will be representing your team to this meeting.

    Tutoring & RtI Time
    I understand that different things come up from time to time that pull us our out of our commitment to help support tutoring. This last week myself, I have ask some teachers to get another person to cover their tutoring group so we could help with interviews for next school year.

    However, I want to stress the importance of this time... not just after school tutoring but RtI also. This small group/one-on-one time with a teacher is very value. Not time on a computer or time working with other students, but that time with a teacher to help reinforce skills and instruction.

    Please help to support the small group instruction of our students moving forward... try your best (myself included) to reschedule appointments and other commitments around tutoring days/times. When I see teachers working with individual/small groups of students - those students are growing so much - because YOU do a great job during this time!

    We have to ensure we're hitting the marks setup through improvement planning with Judy Caskey, Julia Robinson, Kenny Kaye Hudson, and the campus leadership team. Small group instruction is one of the STRONGEST strategies we have to focus on student growth.

    Help keep each other accountable (myself included) to maximize our instructional time and commitment to academic growth with our students.
